Teen speaks over 20 languages

Record yourself (video OR voice only) talking about the following questions (related to the video):


1) “I feel like when I speak a foreign language I become a different person.” –  Do you feel like a different person when you speak English (or other languages)?

2) If you speak English well, you sometimes feel like you don’t have to learn new languages.  – Are you motivated to learn new languages? Why (not)?

3) “For Tim, learning languages isn’t  a hobby, it’s his way of life.” – Is this a good thing? Why (not)?

4) Watching TV shows and films is really helpful when you learn a new language. – What were the first films/TV shows that you watched entirely in English?

5) The internet helped Tim become a super-polyglot. – What websites, games, online communities helped you in developing your English skills?

6) Tim was interested in the Middle East and he started learning languages to understand it better. – Do you have an interest like this? What hobby/interest has helped you to be better at English (or other languages)?

The origin of memes

Listen to this podcast and answer the questions afterwards.

For what different purposes was Gangnam Style used throughout the past few years?

How does the internet linguist explain the concept of memes?

What was the idea behind the term meme, coined by an evolutionary biologist?

What were the two words he used?

How did the Massachusetts ship inspector’s marking of ships become a meme?

What do you learn about Mike Godwin?

What’s the precise moment of the appearance of memes on the internet?

How would you explain the word to your great grandparents?

What’s your favourite meme?

Additionally, you can read this article as well:
