Student Exchange Project
A Short Movie
From the View Point of Young Europeans
Turkey, Hungary, Latvia, Romania, Poland, Greece, Italy, the Czech Republic
Info meeting, September 14, period 7, A01
The project is open to all Poli students from grade 9 to 12, that is LM-CM-NV to PG-CL-NE
We need at least 40 Poli students to join!
Start thinking about why you want to participate in an international exchange project making movies. Why do you want to HOST a foreign guest? Why do you want to travel to one of the other countries?
Write a short composition about this and submit it to by the time of the info meeting. ie. by September 14, 2 pm
The Budapest exchange will have two main parts learning to make movies and culture events. Many of you have experience in making movies, but have you done it in English? Have you done it with international groups? Many of our guests have no experience. They are coming here to learn how to do it. There will be a lot of work. At the info meeting we will pass out detailed plans for the week. I can tell you however, that during the exchange here in Bp you will not be going to most of your Poli classes (you can make up the work later). The cultural events will take place in Budapest. We will have a planning session before the exchange meeting to brain storm ideas about what to do for fun with our foreign guests.
We will definitely travel to Latvia, the Czech Republic and Turkey between now and May 2013. The 1 or 2 best working students will get to go on all 3 trips. More details on this at the meeting
If money allows it we will also go to the other countries, Romania, Greece, Italy and Poland. After the first exchange in Budapest we will be able to give you more info on this.
The entire Comenious Project is 2 years. It will finish in May 2013 in Gerze, Turkey. You really want to be there, it is a great place, great people, great town!!!
Come work and play with us!
I would also like to express our gratitude to the Tempus Alapitvany in Budapest for providing funding for this Comenius Project.
Team Poli:
Kelemen Hajna
Szakács Edina
Vácziné Arnold Éva
Rob Dawson
1 hozzászólás:
Rob Dawson
2011. szeptember 8. 20:44
Any questions?