Comenius – Short Films, 2 Year International Exchange Project
A Short Movie
From the View Point of Young Europeans
Turkey, Hungary, Latvia, Romania, Poland, Greece, Italy, the Czech Republic
The project is open to all Poli students from grade 9 to 12, that is LM-CM-NV to PG-CL-NE. A total of 45 students have joined the program here at Poli.
Work is going full steam; the children have been split into four groups. Each group is preparing a film on a specifc segment of Hungarian cuisine; the main topic of the Comenius project.
The week’s program has been set. There will be 3 one and a half hour workshops where participants learn the basics of movie making. Topics range from legal issues, in particular copy right infringement and how to avoid it, to storyboard, lighting, editing, etc. These workshops will be hands on, interactive events. They will close with students working in small groups making 1 – 2 minute films to be shown at the closing event on the last night of the project meeting.
The main goal of the entire project is for the students to express various aspects of European culture, through their own eyes, in English via the medium of film. What they learn here at Közgazdasági Politechnikum Gimnázium és Szakközépiskola will be used when they return home and begin working on longer films on their given topics, to be shown at the project meetings they will be hosting according to the project claander.
In addition to the film workshops there will be several cultural events, ranging from history based scavanger hunts (városi vetelkedő) around Budapest, where students will work in multi national teams, ensuring the use of English. During these hunts they will visit various historical sights, many related to the cultures of our guests, students will shoot video and take photos. This footage and these photos will be used in the short films they are making in the workshops and/or appear on the project website .
I would also like to express our gratitude to the Tempus Alapitvany in Budapest for providing funding for this Comenius Project.
As we know more about the upcoming project meetings in our partner coutnries we will post information here.
Team Poli:
Kelemen Hajna
Szakács Edina
Vácziné Arnold Éva
Rob Dawson