
Update 4

my new friends

The weather turned really cold since last week, which is not the main problem, the problem is that one day it was 20°C then from the following day it turned to 8°C. So it came all of a sudden. As usually it’s 8°C in December, everybody was surprised by this weather, it took them a few days to even turn on the heaters, so we were wearing coats in the house also. (They say it will be warm again next week, as it’s usual in October.)

So probably that sudden change was the reason for my massive cold what I caught. Literally almost the only thing I can remember about last week is me trying to survive. And it kinda took all of my energy. But good news! I beat it! By the time I’m writing this I’m perfectly healthy, and happy. It feels like this ‘illness’ closed the hard period of my being here so now I can concentrate on having fun. It also feels like if this one month I spent here was just one single day, so based on that logic I’ll be home in two and a half day, so there’s nothing to worry about!

But let’s forget about these sentimental stuffs, and talk about real things, like some of the students here taught me a Turkish folk song and in return I taught them ‘Indulj el egy úton’. As we both was very enthusiastic about it, we decided to record each other’s singing during this week, so it hopefully will be a part of my video I make about my trip.

I’m also thinking about cooking some Hungarian food to my host family, not just because of them, but because I miss Hungarian food. I’m a bit worried about it, but fortunately they won’t know if it’s bad or not as they’ve never had Hungarian food before.

The weekend was pretty calm. We didn’t go anywhere, I spent most of my time laying in my bed and smiling to the ceiling, like in a cheesy American movie. The only time I was out of bed was when we went out for a tea. In the café we usually go there’s a two little girl (about 2 and 4- see the picture below), and as it wasn’t my first time there they were welcome me as a friend of theirs. They were jumping on me, and we played together, it was really fun. It may sounds like a little thing, it was actually, but still made me happier than anything else before. And to get back to sentimentality we went out yesterday evening for a chat with Ayhan, and Cem (teachers from the school). They wanted to know if everything is okay with us. And make sure we know that they’ll do their best to make us feel the best as possible. They were really cute (I hope I can use that for a teacher…), and we had a lovely evening!
Finally, I would like to make these updates more interactive, so I’ll post a useful Turkish phrase in the end from now on, which will make easier learning Turkish for me, and for you! So this week’s sentence (for Poli kids it’s super useful!): Tembellik ettiğim için beni afeder misiniz? (Will you forgive me for being lazy?)

P.S.: Next week is Sacrifice Feast, which is the second important Islamic holiday after Ramadan Feast. It commemorates the story about Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) who showed obedience to God by agreeing to sacrifice his son. I’m really curious about it, and also very happy, because there’s no school next week!

Lukács Laura,  MA

5 hozzászólás

Rob Dawson
2013. október 16. 09:38

Ah, those two kids are so cute!!!

Ben de tembel, cok, cok, cok tembel!

2013. október 16. 11:25

Hehe. 🙂

2013. november 10. 20:22

I really enjoyed reading your news. What was Sacrifice Feast like?

2013. november 10. 22:27

I’m glad that you liked it! 🙂 Sacrifice Feast was pretty awesome, hopefully the update about it will be uploaded here in a few days, so please come back later! 🙂

Rob Dawson
2013. november 11. 13:50

Tájékoztatjuk, hogy a megfelelő működés érdekében a honlap sütiket használ. A sütik útján végzett adatkezelésről bővebben itt tájékozódhat: Adatkezelési Szabályzat

A süti beállítások ennél a honlapnál engedélyezett a legjobb felhasználói élmény érdekében. Amennyiben a beállítás változtatása nélkül kerül sor a honlap használatára, vagy az "Elfogadás" gombra történik kattintás, azzal a felhasználó elfogadja a sütik használatát.
