Bayram- as I saw it
Bayram- as I saw it
Last week was supposed to be for relaxing, and recovering, but that’s just not how things work here. Though I didn’t mind it at all.
In the first few days of Bayram we visited the whole family and also friends from the town. I have to admit I really liked it!
Let’s get through the few rules of these “meetings”, concerning:
Don’t spend more than 15 minutes at one family.
Visit as many people as you can- the more the better.
Always accept chocolate bonbons, no matter how much you had before.
Also accept money, and lemon hand wash.
Use the phrase “Iyi Bayramlar!” frequently.
On Thursday we went to Samsun, which is a large city about 200 km far from Gerze. It was a nice trip; we were shopping clothes, and eat like…well like Turks. (Which means binge eating!)
The following three days were pretty more exhausting. I’ve been to six weddings! And now you’re thinking: what’s wrong with that? I must have been so much fun.
Well it could have been, if I wasn’t working all the time. Maybe taking pictures and videos does not sound like a strenuous thing to do, but it is actually. It requires continuous concentration for long hours, which is I think harder than doing 100 push ups. Just think of how hard can be paying attention to the lesson for 45 minutes!
In addition looking through the camera’s “window” for hours, and waiting for the best moment to take the picture makes me feel like I’m a sniper looking for the best target to shoot. Which is a bit morbid idea.
Anyway, I got through the difficulties, so all’s well that ends well.
Next week, on the 28th of October is the Republic Day in Turkey; the students will be playing the drums, and trumpets, it will be like a parade. And hopefully a lot more fun will happen!
As in the updates of weeks before, here’s this week’s useful phrase, which I actually learnt this week, not just looked it up in a dictionary, so here it is: Bidakka. (= short version of Bir dakika, means: Just a minute.)
Lukács Laura