
The busiest week ever

The busiest week ever

Oh man, I don’t think I’ve ever had such an eventful week as last week! Actually, the beginning of the week went as usual, get up, go to school, and go home. Again and again. I had troubles with concentrating, I didn’t find sense in getting up at all, so I just did it, because I knew I had to. And that’s where the things got interesting. On Friday I got a phone call from Poli, from the middle of 1000 pontos röpi. I felt so extremely happy! The weekend was pretty good too, we went for a walk to the hills. The colors were amazing! We don’t really realize it’s autumn until we look around and see the colorful forest. I tasted two fruits, which I can’t even compare to other fruits as they were like nothing I tasted before.

Monday was pretty unusual. On other Mondays I’m usually walking around school uselessly like a zombie. But not this week! I was studying harder than I’ve done since we arrived here. I also voted, because we had Student president election. And it was just as like it is in American movies, except the twinkling. Also on Monday afternoon I went to my mentor teacher’s home, and we cooked together Turkish food (helva, and simit). They were really delicious, and I had a wonderful time with Asli’s family, especially with her little girl. We even agreed that we should do it again sometimes.

And finally Tuesday arrived! The Republic Day of Turkey. I jumped out of bed excited, but after my usual email checking I became… well, there are words for that feeling. I found out, that I won the third place of an International Student Film Competition with my film. I was over the moon! I was smiling like an idiot all day long.

During the day we had a parade. The students were drumming, and playing the trumpet, and we went around town. Then there was a short show in the city center. Then we went home, but celebrating wasn’t over for the day! We hit the roads around 6 p.m. again, we joined a huge group of people. They had flags and torches with them and they were singing, and shouting ‘We are Atatürk’s soldiers’ all the time. It was so much fun! Turks really know how to party! And as a perfect conclusion of the day, I had two extremely delicious saleps in Lila café!

Tomorrow we reach a big milestone as the half of our trip went by. I’m really excited about our tour to Ankara starts with Sunday, it’s going to be fun! I love it here, that there’s always something to wait for. And of course I’ll keep you posted!

As usual, here’s this week’s useful phrase which I learnt: Ben açım. (I’m hungry.)

Lukács Laura (MannA)

Tájékoztatjuk, hogy a megfelelő működés érdekében a honlap sütiket használ. A sütik útján végzett adatkezelésről bővebben itt tájékozódhat: Adatkezelési Szabályzat

A süti beállítások ennél a honlapnál engedélyezett a legjobb felhasználói élmény érdekében. Amennyiben a beállítás változtatása nélkül kerül sor a honlap használatára, vagy az "Elfogadás" gombra történik kattintás, azzal a felhasználó elfogadja a sütik használatát.
