Building Democratic Europe Together
The Kick-off meeting for the project Building Democratic Europe Together, under the auspice of Europe for Citizens, was held at Poli October 24-26. It was a highly motivating experience to work with such dedicated partners from Germany, Greece, Poland and Slovakia. These partners were: Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V., Youthnet Hellas, Instytut Badań i Innowacji w Edukacji and ADEL – Association for Development, Education and Labour.
Details were worked out, dates set for future meetings, examples given by each partner of their experiences. The amazing work carried out so far and shown in numerous presentations and discussions has clarified several points. We are now ready to work even harder on this project in oral history and generation connectivity.
The bar has been raised and we will be working hard for the next 18 months to reach that mark. In fact, I am confident we will surpass it with such great partners. Thank you to all participants; it is great and inspiring working with you.