Estonia (no.2)
This October, I participated in an Erasmus+ project called Sinu Möju and it was about advocacy and the immigrant and refugee crisis. It was organized by an Estonian group and they invited a Hungarian and a Greek group. The meeting was in a small village, in the Estonian countryside. We were there for 9 days, and through this time, we learned about the participating countries’ situation in the refugee crisis, how they react to it and how their government handle it. It was very interesting, especially the Greek part because that is the country in Europe, what this crisis effected the most.
We also learned about methods of influence, how to make pressure on decision makers, how you, as a single person, can make your voice heard. We discussed what is the best way to reach different groups of people.
We had a lot of activities where we imagined what situations a refugee family have to get through, what are the possibilities they have through their journey and how they can handle it. This helped us a lot to understand their situation and also this way we know better how can we help them in different situations.
We also had the opportunity to get to know the Estonian culture. We had time to visit the two biggest Estonian city Tallinn and Tartu. This was a great experience because Estonia is a very developing country, and they have beautiful, well organized, clean and interesting towns.
About the project in general, it was an incredible experience, I learned a lot, I made several new friends and it was very useful. Thank you for the opportunity, I’ll never forget it.