
Nemzetközi haiku verseny

Az idén 7. alkalommal rendezett haiku verseny döntőjébe az alábbi versek kerültek. A nemzetközi zsűri döntése alapján kötetbe kerülő verseket január végén közöljük. A döntőbe jutott szerzőknek addig is gratulálunk! A kötet ünnepélyes átadására 2017. március 31-én, a ljubljanai Gimnazija Vič-ben kerül sor.

Kép: Nagy Rebeka

Orange redolent
morning. Warm blanket for night.
Winter is coming
                                                           Winkler Ákos (káró)

I did not want to,
But I could not restrain myself
Checked out the results

Whether or not you meant
It doesn’t matter now
The mind has been made

If you end something
with an exclamation mark
is it still a question?

Expecting answers
about anything could be
mostly disappointing
                                                          Solymosi Máté (káró)

They say there is one
The one who treats you the best
Or the opposite
                                                          Hancock Huba Sámuel (Dimenzió)

In school I’m out-going
Then I go out and
I feel nothing

I’m sitting here
Realizing that I
Can’t write a good haiku

I’ve got a crush on a girl
And that feeling
Is going to kill me

60 years ago
We were icons, but now
We are just not
                                                           Szőke Ákos (Dimenzió)
Summer has ended
Sun hid away from the sky
And from inside me.

He’s waiting for spring
When his flower won’t be a
Shadow of herself.

My best memories are
Sometimes from eras when I
Haven’t even lived.
                                                           Bodor Adrienn (MárkA)

I live
Amongst tunafish
I’m the one who thinks

Red nose
Cold tea
Why am I still fighting?

“I’m not mad,
I’m an artist!”
They wouldn’t accept this

“I love you!”
I want to tell you,
But I won’t let me.

A supernova
Exploded in my brains
It’s just better than love.

Filled with fears, but
Got tired of doing nothing.

It’s like
Taking you for
a dance of passion.
                                                          Csiszár Eszter (MáGia)

All my hope is gone
What should I do with my life?
I don’t have wi-fi
                                                          Grőbler Ági (Maszk)

You thought it could be us
But I was asleep someplace
During all this time.

I step on your shoes
On purpose
But you don’t even notice.

I have no words left
To tell you how much it hurts.

I have heard that you
Finally became the one
You always wanted.

I have made two cups
Of coffee in the morning.
Matter of habit.
                                                           Kátai Lili (MáGia)

Would you really get
Angry at an apple tree
For not growing pears?

If the great mountains
Are calling, my destiny
Is to visit them

Small sparrow shivers
As he disappears into
A hazy skyline

Flickering streetlights
Shoes clicking on cobblestone
On a cold, stiff night
                                                           Károlyi Bori (MáGia)

In that pure silence
the demon of fading thoughts
whispered out loudly.

Dusty memories
fade ’til one blazing sunbeam
breaks through the armour.

Nothing is over,
all we have will remain here
when we disappear.

Soft words, gentle touch
cast a shadow over his
boundless emptiness.

A blazing sunrise
set free all the butterflies
within one moment.

I feel the spring breeze
trying to tell me something
I already know.

I saw a swingset
hanging from the tree of life,
I gave it a try.
                                                           Baló Noémi (MáGia)

When the sun goes down
People start to cry, but stop
It will come up again

Nothing can stop me
I’m going to see the world
Making my way home

Please don’t hate the nights
Because before every night
There is a sunset

It is terrible
When you’re shy and hear the word
                                                          Erdélyi Panka (SZ-es)

When I was a child
I was sure in everything
Now I have questions

Please stay with me now
I know it’s complicated
(But) we’re good together
                                                           Horváth Flóra (SZ-es)

The two warriors
Start their final battle
On a late afternoon

The two warriors
Ended their bloody fight
And now it is midnight

Our brave hero
Tucks his sword away
In the bloodrain
                                                          Sugár Márton (STORNO)
a tent
captured an ant
autumn afternoon

the fog
covered everything
winter morning
                                                            Horváth Domonkos (STORNO)


Tájékoztatjuk, hogy a megfelelő működés érdekében a honlap sütiket használ. A sütik útján végzett adatkezelésről bővebben itt tájékozódhat: Adatkezelési Szabályzat

A süti beállítások ennél a honlapnál engedélyezett a legjobb felhasználói élmény érdekében. Amennyiben a beállítás változtatása nélkül kerül sor a honlap használatára, vagy az "Elfogadás" gombra történik kattintás, azzal a felhasználó elfogadja a sütik használatát.
