Project week in Giulianova (05.11.2018-09.11.2018.)
It was our first common trip in our 2 year long Erasmus+ project. We took the flight to Rome first where we could visit many famous buildings and monuments. After one day in Rome, we went to Giulianova by Flixbus. Our hosts were waiting at the bus station and it was the start of a fantastic week in this village.
The main organiser school was Marie Curie Liceo:
Our basic theme was European cultural heritage so the programs were connected to this. Some sentences from the opinions of the Hungarian participants:
That was my first Erasmus+ project. I had never thought this week would be this liberating. I signed up because I wanted to feel more comfortable using my English, but not only did I manage to practice it but I also got many wonderful experiences and met great people. Everyone should try this amazing project.
The first day when we met each other we went to our host’s house and packed out. We spent a super night together, like hosts and visitors in a restaurant: ate amazing and fantastic Italian dishes. The following days we could visit little nearby towns, like Assissi. We did lots of programs and danced a lot with the visitors from other countries in the school’s library. On the last day we said goodbye to each other and cried about taking farewell, but we will see each other soon.
This Erasmus+ exchange was wonderful for me, I loved everyone, and I think we’ve become a community in one week witch is really rare. It was a big chance for me to spend a week there and I learned a lot and became more open-minded.
This project helped me a lot. I joined it because I was scared of speaking English. After the first meeting I wasn’t scared any more. I really liked all the people I got to know.
We saw a lot of very nice places. I got to know many interesting things about Italy. If I could, I would travel to all the project partners. I am really looking forward to the exchange in Hungary. I hope it will be as good as the Italian one.
I loved this project so much. It was great fun and we did interesting things. All the hosts were very nice. I’ve learned lots of things about Italy, the community and the mood was always happy and cheerful. If I could, I would probably go back. I was very excited about the whole thing and I’m still excited about the exchange in Hungary. I can’t wait to see these guys again. This opportunity was great for me, and I loved it.
Basically that was my 3rd time in Italy, but I have never been that south. Because of this that was my first time in Rome and in Giulianova too, and of course I really enjoyed the journey. The community added a lot of happy moments to the project.