A portugál találkozóról
Az Erasmus+ Human rights projektjével Pásti Fanni (Márka), Földes Igor (Márka), Szota Martin (Maszk), Molnár Bendő (Káró) és Geiszler Anna Lixában, Portugáliában jártak. Az ő prezentációjukat és beszámolóikat olvashatjátok alább.
“I don’t even know where should I start.I think we all will always remember for this experience.
So from the begining, This week was about environmental protection. Before we travelled we had to preaper with a presentation about how we protecting our world in the school and in our country. Every country had this exercise. (Cyprus,Portugal,Italy,Romania). I think we all were really exicted about Portugal and the hole trip. We spent one day in Porto with my teacher Anna and my schoolmates. I felt like a little family,we could definetely work in team and everyone were helpful. I got shocked when I realized how beautiful Porto is. The first impression was that everyone’s open and friendly. I had a little Italy feeling when we were walking in Porto’s little tight streets. The second day was when we met with our host families. I felt really lucky because I knew my host student before from the hungarian meeting and we had a good friendship. Her family was beautiful, the interesting thing was that every family had a big house with so many bathrooms and They are really like eating and cooking so many different type of foods. So about the week we had some day in school and we spent so much time in Porto and they brought us to some tour around the neighborhood cities. We had different kind of activities for example, planting, wall painting about enviroment, some presentation,cooking, surfing, bicycling,dancing etc. At the hole week we always had something to do even in nights. I think Portugese teachers and students tried to do the best. All of the students from everywhere made so strong friendship. It was awesome to feel that here the people care about you and your values. We were always motivating each other What was really interesting that the whole school were curious about us and everyone got exicted. This week was one of my favorite life experience,it was really hard to leave. The last day everyone cried and made speeches, tried each other’s foods.
No matter where you from the matter is only you.”
(Pásti Fanni)
“After hosting the Budapest meeting in 2018, something great started in our life. I still remember that consultation with our teachers when they told us we’re going to Portugal in May. My first thought was I can see those who were in Hungary a year before. We had a free Sunday in the city of Porto, we had breakfast on the coast of the river that day, that was the first moment I felt that this week will be just more than what I first expected. We had our accomodation in (or close to) Lixa, it has a stunning landscape at sunset, but I even liked it daytime, the grapes all around the city. Portuguese architecture is so unique, I really enjoyed walking around the city. This week was a huge milestone for me, it showed me a lot about people and life. We had a busy week doing a lot of things I thought I would not do by myself. We were cycling on the coast of the Atlantic, surfing in the ocean, planting and painting together. We were dancing together – you have to be special if you see me dancing a coreograpy together. We went out every single night to get closer to eachother. As this meeting was the closing event of this 2 years we’ve been working together, I have to say it was amazing. I had seen that we had a common goal, and that forged us together as a team. On that last night in Lixa I didn’t know if I had to be feeling sad or happy. I was sad, because our common goal actually ended. And I was happy to be part of such a nice team. We achieved something which can’t be measured in products. It’s feelings, memories of the time we spent together, and the willing to the future to keep everything up. And we will be this team untill the end of time. This feeling is undescribeable, but for sure it will remain in our heart. I would like to thank to all of the people in this program to making it happen. Lixa is now a placed I want to be back for sure! I hope to see you as soon as possible! Till then I wish the best for all of you!”
(Szota Martin)
“Even before arriving to Portugal the whole Hungarian team was excited. Firstly because of the location of the meeting. Secondly because we have already met with some of the Portuguese students and teachers in Hungary and we have seen how energetic and positive they are.
11-12th May
We have arrived two days earlier than the official Erasmus+ meeting began. Our decision was to rent an apartment in Porto and spend a night and a short day there. It was a perfect occasion to attune to each other and to have a short sightseeing tour in the heart of Porto. We had a great time and it was a good warm up for the week. 😊 Sunday night finally we had the opportunity to meet our hosts. I was extremely looking forward to this moment and honestly, I was quite afraid at the same time. Fortunately, I was pleasantly disappointed. My Host, Joao and his family were incredibly kind. 😊 Joao had another guest with whom I had a pretty good relationship too.
13th May
The first part of our first day was mainly spent with icebreaking activities. After that, we had a guided school tour. It was interesting to see that how the schools’ infrastructure is different than Poli’s. Even though the Portuguese school is funded by the government it was very well equipped. We had an acceptable lunch at the school canteen and we helped a local artist to make a graffiti wall focusing on the topic of environment.
14th May
On the second day of the official program our way led to Porto. At first, we visited the Port wine cellars which was an interesting experience and a perfect time to buy our souvenirs. After leaving the city centre we went to the beach by bikes. An organised surfing class was waiting for us there. This was the program which I was the most excited about and it absolutely worth it. It was definitely one of the best sport experiences I have ever had. Despite it was really hard to stand on the board for even 5 seconds I really enjoyed it.
15th May
The main topic of this meeting was the environment. Every team made a presentation focusing on this topic. We chose to make a presentation with the following title: „How are we trying to protect our environment in Hungary and especially in our school?”. In my opinion our presentation was very together. After a bit of a serious concentration we needed to rest a bit, so we visited Amarante which is in the neighbourhood of Lixa. We had a tour around some special and historic places and after that, we visited a modern art exhibition which was not really my kind of tea.
16th May
First thing in the morning we were guests in the town hall of Lixa. We have heard a speech and seen a video about the city. Then we had a quite free afternoon to discover Porto.
17th May
On the last official day, we were split in teams based on our nationalities to guide ourselves around Lixa in an activity called „Lost in Lixa”. In the afternoon we went to a supermarket to buy ingredients for making desserts. The Hungarian team made mákos guba and apple crumble. After we had a pretty good time in the kitchen we moved on to the closing party. All of the teachers, hosts (also their families), and guests were there. We had a really fun but also a bit sad time together, because it was hard to say goodbye.
All in all, I think it was a good Erasmus+ project and I’m happy that I have decided to participate in it.”
(Földes Igor)
“Personaly I got into the project as a volunteer, Becousee there was no helper with the guests. I got a guest, while the Hungarian meeting. I was satisfyed by that week, and I have never tought that I could travel with this project. Becouse I was not in. When I got the info about the jurney, i was really happy, that I could meet again with some of the portugal, with whom I already met.
In the first day, when I met with my host. I was simply amazed by Portugal, and by the people in portugal. Especialy by my host, and his family. Every time when we were at home, we could talk with each other and there was not any akward situation. They were really funny and friendly.
The landscape, and the weather was really new for me, and I had an intresting vibe which had covered my feelings while the week. All the programs were well organized for the reason a big thank to the Teachers and to the studients. Everybody was really cooperative. Thats, why the programs were enjoyable. When we were alone without the adults. I was impressed, that how easily the things are going. Not least, I have got so many friendship, which is (for me) one of the most important in Erasmus programs. Of coure all the activitie what were about the topic of theweek, were really useful. But the description about the task was missunderstood. And for the reason not all the presentations were exectly around the topic. I had a unique experience, which was the surfing. I have never thougt that I can stand on the surf board, more than 5 sec.
I had to recognize that all the portugal are really friendly and the whole society is open minded. No one was depressed or stressed. It was good to see how another culture can deal with the happyness.
I was lucky that I could be part in the project. I got lot of life expirience by the week, and I am pretty sure, that I will go back to visit all my friend there.”
(Molnár Bendő)