CHoC+Erasmus Plus on EU Day at Poli
What better way to spend a Saturday in school than in an amazing non-formal, peer-to-peer event designed and run by students volunteers? Volunteers from the CHoC project spent two hours discussing the ins and outs of Erasmus+ Partnerships.
This event was carried out under the Aegis of the EU Day events held every year at Poli. Eight volunteers developed fun and games to show the seventh graders (56 students) what the CHoC project is about and how it is in the Erasmus+ scheme.
The focus of the games (like creating a timeline on the history of chocolate, or teaching seminal vocabulary items used in the project – like slavery, plantation, navigation, sugar cane, to name a few) was to show the younger students how fun a two year project can be, what kind of work is done between international meetings, etc. The peer-to-peer aspect really helped the participants relax and pay attention (it is a Saturday, after all), the non-formal aspect simply drove the point home: Erasmus+ and eTw RULE!
By the end of the event the seventh graders were asking why Poli does not have any projects for their age group. Fair question if you ask me! But, for the time being they do not. So, the participants promised to keep their eyes and ears open in case the school does announce a project for their age group and they will be even more attentive next year, when they have a greater chance of getting into a project.
Well done Erasmus+ Volunteers! You have 56 youth whipped up and raring to go. Who knows, maybe they, or you , will develop/design a project for this age group!