Ricardo Williams
< vissza a Tanári arcképcsarnokba
2022-től már nem a Politechnikum munkatársa
I was born in London, England and spent my whole life there before moving to Hungary in 2015. The reason I moved here in the first place, is exactly the reason you might think, although it’s not that simple 😉 Basically I wanted to leave London, and Hungary as a country is a very beautiful place where I just so happened to decide to settle. I’ve once heard it called “The Bud-effect” 😀
My actual career background is chef, but I “accidentally” discovered and then fell in love with teaching English when I learned just how much of a need there is for quality English teachers here, teaching came naturally to me, and I love it, especially the moment when you gift someone knowledge they did not have before, and you can see it. But I’d rather consider myself more of a guide in that rather than lecturing facts, I provide my students with the skills they need to teach themselves and navigate whichever path they may choose for themselves.
In my free time I play bass, sometimes on stage for a crowd who (hopefully) goes “Woo!” I like exploring Hungarian countryside, Hungarian wine, pálinka, bogrács gulyás, and my favourite word is “kiteregetek” (although “bekebelezés” is a close second) Basically I’ve adjusted quite well 🙂