H.O.M.E. – our Erasmus project so far
Poli joined France, Germany, Italy, Spain and Cyprus in a project we call H.O.M.E. (Human Out Migration in Europe). Our team consists of three teachers and 25 students from our school. We started work in November 2020 by organizing and hosting an online staff training for our partners. After learning about the partcipating schools and towns via presentations, and learning about the eTwinning platform, we set out to work on the project activities.
After the online staff training, we started working with our student participants on our biweekly (online) meetings. The fun began with a logo designing competition where students worked in teams to create the logo which best represents the project and its aims. We decided on the best design and our favourite went to the next round to compete with our partners’ logos.
After this creative challenge, students got together in different teams to learn more about Hungarian winter holiday traditions. Each team was assigned a month and their task was to create a padlet filled with interesting facts about Hungarian traditions. We’ve been working on these padlets since December and the results are nothing short of excellent:
Hopefully we can work together in person in the near future, but until then, we’ll make the best of this situation and do our best!