#JoinUs Erasmus+ Ificsere program a nyáron Szlovéniában
Egy korábbi sikeres ificsere, a “Volunteers without Borders” folytatásaként német, horvát, észt, román és litván fiatalokkal együtt.
A projekt témája a közösségi szolgálat – saját gyakorlat bemutatása, a helyi civil szervezetek megismerése.
helyszín: Murska Sobota, (Hodos), Szlovénia
időpont: 2021. július 23. – augusztus 1. (utazással együtt 10 nap)
résztvevők: 1 kísérő tanár + 6 (16 év feletti) diák
TÁJÉKOZTATÓ a Poliban: 2021. május 28. Péntek 12:05 – Tornaház előtti terasznál
Jelnetkezési űrlap linkje: #JoinUs_Erasmus+Ificsere_Szlovéniában_Jelentkezési_űrlap
Jelentkezési határidő: 2021. júniuis 3. csütörtök 23:59!
English short version of the Infopack:
The youth exchange will take place in Pomurje region, in a small village of Hodoš and in Murska Sobota. Murska Sobota boasts the first intergenerational house based on voluntary organization and is also a city friendly to volunteering. The project involves young people between 16 and 30 years old, and some group leaders.
Our activities involve learning about volunteering work through practical examples and art. By connecting with the local environment, we have created activities that will have a positive impact on young participants and the environment itself. We have gathered 41 young participants from different backgrounds and with different views on the topic. Working methods will be icebreakers, energizers, team/group work, interactive and creative workshops, open space workshops, discussions, evaluation, role playing, informal gatherings, local visits, guest visits etc.
Required to be part of some voluntary organization or connected to the topic of volunteering and art; Strongly interested in raising knowledge on Erasmus + Programme, youth project management; Motivated to address the issue in their communities, issues concerning young people at international level; Motivated to speak about voluntary work, anti discrimination, solidarity, art and to spread tolerance among minorities issues and to turn ideas into actions; Ready to work in mix-intercultural learning environment, to contribute to successful project implementation; Motivated to take part in Erasmus + project, work in an international team and share their experiences in follow up period; Have communicative level of English and be able to take part in preparatory meetings, youth exchange and follow up activities.
Every group will include participants with fewer opportunities facing cultural differences and social, economic obstacles. It means young people who face unemployment, are coming from socially and economically challenging environment and/or might face discrimination, stereotypes and prejudices in their communities; Required to be active and ready to do outdoor activities; Required to be promotor of healthy lifestyle.
Csatlakozzatok egy dinamikus és lelkes csapathoz!
Jelentkezés az űrlap kitöltésével lehetséges.
Kérdések esetén keressétek Gáti Emesét a gati@poli.hu e-mail címen vagy személyesen a Tornaházban.