
My youth exchange – young participants

If I would need to conclude this trip in one sentence it would be the following: I had the time of my life. The exchange was a fantastic opportunity to practise English, take insight to the culture of the Italian and French people in the camp, make new friends and get to know people from a bit closer. I enjoyed it very much. Every day was different and exciting. There were lots of activities that encouraged us to interact with strangers and leave our comfort zones. We also had these “Nationality Nights” where we played games related to our countries and cities organised by ourselves and the group leaders.

Normandy was beautiful aswell. I found the greenery and forests quite amazing because of how vast they were as expected from so much rain. Well, rain. There was a lot of it but after a couple of days we got used to the cold  and that we had to dry our clothes all week. I mean Tom, Hanga and their DIY group even created a homemade dryig rack in the communiy area. The tents we lived in were nice as well, though we didn’t spend much time inside. We only went there at night to fall asleep in two seconds from the exhausting day we had.

The food was also very good. As someone who is lactose intolerant, I very much appreciated that they made me dishes or desserts supplementing regular milk with almond or goat milk.

If I had a chance to turn back the wheel of time, I would do it, but not to change anything, just to relieve it.

Csabai Zalán, Lamanteam

I’m so happy to be in this Erasmus project. I met so many kind people, and also made friends. I could talk with people from different countries, and get to know them. The 11 day went so fast, but we actually did a lot of things. Like kayaking, “tree climbing”, playing games, listening to music at the campfire, talent show and more. Once, we had dinner with a French family, and that was one of my favourite programs, because we could get to know their culture, traditional food and laughed a lot. We had workshops every day. There was break dance, DIY, journalism, and book box. I only tried two of them, but they were so good. Anyway, this camp was one of the greatest memories of my life, and I really hope I will be in another Erasmus project in the future.

Dénes Bora, Lamanteam

It was my first Erasmus project and at first I was a bit hesitant about going, but looking back, I definitely don’t regret it. The workshops were a great opportunity to try myself out in different positions and places, but I liked the other programs even more. They all helped with the bonding process, I could practice my English and I think I improved a lot altogether. I got better at approaching people, making friends and keeping up connections. It was really nice to learn about other countries and not just from the internet or even visiting, but from people who lived there. It was one of the best experiences of my life and I highly recommend it to everyone.

Lakits Hanna, Bermuda



I had the absolute best time in Normandy. On the first day they gave us a warm welcome and baguette for starters and it just got better every day. Everyone was so kind, welcoming and open minded, all the people were so nice. We had a fully packed schedule for the 10 days but we were together even when we had free time so there was never a dull moment in the camp. We had a lot of different activities, such as workshops, acrobanche, nationality nights and so on. I especially enjoyed the dinner with the French families, I thought it was a cool idea to get to know French people just a little bit closer.  

Even though it was almost always raining, Normandy was beautiful and charming, I took a lot of photos. The camp where we were staying was also great, people were nice, we didn’t spend much time in the tents because we were always on some kind of activity. The food was great, and since I can’t eat fruit and tomatoes I really appreciated that they always made another option for me, I even got chocolate cookies when the others got fruits 🙂 

I wish we could continue this program, next year, with the same group and teachers, that would be amazing. 

Szabó Sári, Azúr

Exciting French trip! At the beginning of the summer, I had no idea I would have such wonderful adventures!!
France is a very nice country, I especially liked Radon where our campsite was. The French and Italians were very nice, we played with them a lot and taught each other interesting and funny words.
We attended very exciting workshops, there was diy, break dance, journalism and book box-making. I tried almost everything and really enjoyed it! But my favorite were the evenings of countries. I learned a lot of exciting things about Italy and France and we could also taste their delicious food.
We still had a lot of exciting adventures: we saw beautiful villages with beautiful stone houses and green gardens, we were canoeing, and even in an adventure park!
It was a huge experience for me. I also made new friends.
If I had the opportunity, I would like to go again!

Pongrácz Villő, Azúr

When I first heard about this exchange, I thought it would be a little strange, because I thought it would be all about bookshelf building. I signed up anyway, because I wanted to travel and practice my English. It turned out to be a really cool and awesome experience. First, because I’ve never been to an exchange like this.

When we arrived at the camp, everyone was really welcoming and nice to us. We had workshops almost every day. We got to choose from DIY, journalism, brake dance and book box. We went to visit the surrounding villages and cities. We had funny tasks to do in every settlement. We had to interact with a lot of people, so I definitely became more confident in speaking English. I had a lot of fun, meeting new people and making friends.

If I could, I would go back, to relieve every moment of the camp, again and again.:)

Barassevich Laura, Azúr

The program was extremely useful from the point of view of improving my English. We met a group of new people and learned a lot about their culture (French and Italian). It was great that we had lots of different programs every day. I especially enjoyed the evening games and parties. There was a good balance of programs and leisure time. The food was good as well. The volunteers who worked on the campsite were kind and helpful.

Zákonyi Flóra, Azúr


I left for the exchange not knowing what to expect at all. The only thing I really wanted to do was to make new friends, and thankfully I did. All the students were really nice, even the Hungarians, and I think I’ll stay in touch with some of the people I met. The leaders were all super kind and patient with us, which made it even more of a pleasant experience. I had absolutely no idea where we would sleep, but the tents we slept in were actually super comfortable and warm in the rainy weather. The workshops were real fun and a very good way to get to know everyone. The other activities though were even better, I loved how much free time and choice they gave us to do tasks the way we wanted to. My favourite was probably when we got to explore Alençon, it was incredible to see how beautiful and different from Hungary everything was. I honestly thought I would be homesick after just a few days, but even on the last day, I still wished to stay longer. Saying goodbye was very sad, but the whole exchange was amazing, and I’m very happy to have had this experience.

Szaniszló Blanka, Vissza

In this project I met so many nice people, even got to know better the Hungarian guys. My favourite program was when we were in Alancon and got little tasks. I think it was great because we got to see the city and the tasks brought the little group closer. When each nationality had its own night, it was great too because I got to know other cultures, and when we danced, it was also great fun. I’ll definitely sign up for another Erasmus project because it makes my summer a lot better and iadds a lot to my personality, I can grow as a person.

Deák Mila, Vissza

To start my report, I would like to say that this was a great experience.

On our first day we traveled to Paris by plane, and from there to Normandy by train. At the camp we met the French kids. The Italians came later. By dinner we where already talking. I will not write what we did on each day one by one because thet would be too long, just highlight some programs I liked. We did the egg game where we had an egg, and needed to trade it with people in a town for somthing else. This is a great game I recommend for everyone. We also viseted the second most beautiful village in France. There was a city nearby where we went, we split into groups and had to do funny exercises. It was always fun when we split into groups because all the kids were very nice. When we had to leave, we all wanted to stay.

I would recommend going to an Erasmus youth exchange for everyone.

Polónyi Armand, Lamanteam






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