
Recognize Preconceptions in Movies 2. – group mobility

Melles Évi, accompanying teacher:

The second meeting of the Recognize Preconceptions in Movies Erasmus+ Program in Aanekoski (Finland) was organized between 29.01.2023 and 04.02.2023 with the participating German, Finnish and Hungarian partners. 

The main topic of the professional program focused on cultural differences, tolerance, preconceptions and stereotypes through analysis of Finnish movies. The film I liked most, Compartment No. 6. directed by Juho Kuosmanen reveals the story of two strangers (a Finnish archaeologist woman and a Russian miner boy) who share a sleeper car on a three-day train journey from Moscow to Murmansk. Prior to showing the film a Russian professor from the Jyväskylä University held a lecture to help the students in interpreting the stereotypes and motives related to the scenes. The other two Finnish movies during the week were also very interesting and after watching them the students discussed it in mixed international groups, highlighting national stereotypes, situations of refugees of their own countries. 

During our visit we could gain also important experiences about Finnish education, we could visit some lessons too. The atmosphere of the whole school was very friendly and calm, there was literally quiet in the building especially compared to Poli. There are a lot of spatial opportunities offered for the students to have a rest, the learning environments were generally quiet, relaxed and welcoming. Through the workshops the guest and host students got to know each other even better. After the workshops we could try many typical Finnish outdoor winter activities together with students such as ice fishing, snowshoeing, sauna parties, roasting sausages on fire. 

The whole week was fantastic, the host families were very helpful and the teachers from Lukio School prepared the program professionally. 

Ferenczi Márta, accompanying teacher:

The topic of our Erasmus was Recognize The Preconceptions In Movies. We watched 3 Finnish movies with the students, and then talked about stereotipical behaviors during the workshops. I liked most the Lapland Odyssey by Dome Karukoski. This film is a fantastic Finnish black comedy, in such a way as to answer the heroic poem, during the way face many challenges, obstacles and temptations.

Over and above there were many great programs during the week. We had a trip to Jyvaskyla, and visited the famous Alvar Aalto University. On an other day we went ice fishing, sauna and ice swimming. In the school we had chance to visited lessons, and learned about the Finnish method, which is very relaxed and permissive.

The whole week was unique, everyone was so kind and had to show lot of the Finnish culture.

Aanekoski from the students point of view

Balogh Tomi: 

The first (travelling) day was pretty good but tiring. It was long, but I really enjoyed it because we went through half of Finland. We arrived to Äänekoski. The meeting with our hosts for the first time was a bit scary, but they were really nice. At the second day the waking up wasn’t that good and easy because In Finland It’s one hour later, so we have to wake up one hour earlier than at home. The sun didn’t come up until 9AM, and it was going down around 3:30PM. We arrived to the school, and we watched a dance practice. After that We’ve got an introduction into the topic, and they told us the schedule of the week. Then we tried the school meal. It was a bit surprising that they eat lunch at 10:35AM. The food was way better than the Hungarian one. It was healthy, there was a big selection of different types of food, such as salads, drinks, and they were also taking care of the vegetarians, they had different food. You could eat as much food as you wanted. Later we watched a Finnish comedy about stereotypes. After the movie we talked about these kinds of topics. It was the end of the common part of the day. Next day we had to introduce the Finnish and German people into the Hungarian culture. We made a task about Hungarian phrases and we taught them a Hungarian traditional dance. At the afternoon we went to take sauna and ice swimming. It was a very good experience. On Wednesday we went to Jyväskylä. We saw the famous university of the town. It wasn’t that interesting, but it was beautiful. Then we watched a movie about the Finnish Russian relationship and we discussed that. At the afternoon we were free to go anywhere in the city. For dinner we had Asian food in an all you can eat restaurant. Next day we had a presentation about refugee situation in Europe and Finland. Later, we watched a movie about it, and we discussed it in groups. The last day in Äänekoski was about saying goodbye. We had a closing ceremony and then we went ice fishing.  We ate dinner at a restaurant. On Saturday we had to get up early to catch the bus. We went back to Helsinki, and we said goodbye to Finland.  

It was a very good and instructive trip. I’ve met a bunch of new people, made new friends, and learned about different cultures. I really enjoyed it and I hope that in the future I will be able to participate in more Erasmus projects. 

Pongrácz Villő:

Finland is a wonderful place. I’ve been waiting to get there in winter for a long time. Finns have such an exciting culture and beautiful country. Finnish people are really friendly and kind.

My host was very cute, I lived in a lakeside house near the forest. The second day we also went snowmobiling in the area and explored the forest and we went across the frozen lakes. Every Finnish family has its own sauna, and we were able to try it twice. After the sauna, we were able to try bathing in the lake and we also played with snowballs and made snow angel.

In addition, we had the opportunity to look into the wonderful world of Finnish schools. It was amazing, for example that there was a piano in the middle of the school, and anyone could sit there and play on it. And the wonderful sound of the piano could be heard throughout the school. It was so inspiring so I started playing the piano again at home. Our school also needs a piano, it creates such a good atmosphere.

The canteen was also a great surprise. It is completely different from the usual canteen in Hungary. Finns eat very tasty and healthy food.

But in the school there was also a communal space, a billiard table, a music room like in the movies, and everyone was so kind and nice.

There were many great programs during the week. One day we had to show them what our country is like, and we came up with the idea of teaching them one of the Hungarian folk dances, the Ördög útja. Everyone liked it so much that we ended up dancing with the whole school.

The topic of our Erasmus was Recognize The Preconceptions In Movies, so we watched 3 Finnish movies, which were great, and then we talked about them in the workshops. It was very interesting and we learned a lot from each other and it was very funny to work in a team because we got to know each other and we had fun.

Among the great programs one day we had a trip to Jyvaskyla, we visited the famous Alvar Aalto University and the city. On an other day we went ice fishing, which was quite funny, because we drilled the ice and then we just stood there in the big snow with a mini fishing rod and waited for a fish to wake up and wander over to it. But unfortunately not a single fish was wrong, so we ended up roasting sausages on the camp fire.

This finnish Exchange program was a wonderful trip, I made a lot of good memories and friends, and we are really looking forward to welcome them in Hungary. Thid erasmus was an adventure of a lifetime. Especially now that I was able to experience what it’s like to live with a Finnish family and see into their life. I got along really well with my host, and we’ve been talking every day ever since.

Szücs Hanna:

This was the first Erasmus that I’ve ever been to and I’ve enjoyed it very much.
I’ve learned a lot about Finnish and a little about German cultures, their stereotipical behaviors and whether they are true or false in real life.
We have watched some really great movies and talked trought them in groups afterwards.
We have had some very good programs, like going to saunas and swimming in the frozen lake afterwards, which sounded really terrifying first, but afterwards it was so refreshing and just in general it was so good.
Also it was quite a funny experience to ran in like 30 cm snow 200 meters just in a swimsuits at night barefoot to the lake than after the dip into the 5 celsius water, running back into the sauna literally screaming. I think that was one of my favourite part of the week.
On Wednesday we went to Jyveskyla which is a little bigger town than äänekoski. We walked trough the university than watched my favourite movie of the week. In the afternoon we walked around town and just hung around each other, and than for dinner we went to this amazing sushi reasturant.
I bacame actaully really good friends with two people who will come Hungary in april so I really can’t wait for the Erasmus to continue. My hosts parents unfortunately didn’t speak english very well, but my host was really nice and we got along really good tOo.
I’m very excited for our next meting in Budapest, and I hope it will be just as good as it was in Finland.

Habi Zsófi:

I had a great time in Finland. With my family we always travel to some place near the beach, so this was a new experience for me. When I applied for this Erasmus I thought I am not going to get in because I submitted it last minute. I am really glad that I got in and that I had the chance to travel and try out new things. 

Getting to know Finnish and German people and discovering what are our similarities and differnces was such an eye-opening experience. The topic also included talking about are nations stereotipes. We got to know the Finnish stereotipes the best. The movies we watched included a lot of them. It was interesting to see what they are really like and not just the preconceptions.  

The programs were really good. We had a lot of free time which most of the time was nice but sometimes I was just at home with my host family and that was a little boring. My host family even tho they didn’t took me to any program, they were the nicest people. I got everything I needed. 

A program I really enjoyed in particular was the sauna and ice swimming potluck party. I went there saying that there is no way I am going into the water. When we arrived I said I might not go tot he sauna either. Thankfully I changed my mind and went into the water. Then I went in again. In total I dipped in the cold water four times and layed in the snow in my bikini twice. Which compared to me saying I won’t go is kind of a big deal. I am really proud of myself for it. Maybe it was the best decision I made during the trip. I learned that it is good to break out of your comfort zone. 

The whole trip made me realize that now is the time that you live and you should say yes to a lot more things than you do. Do it while your still young and capable of it. Don’t be afraid of new things because they might turn out really good. Don’t make preconceptions about things you never even heard before. 

Sebestyén Fanni:

We traveled to Aanekoski which is a small town in Finland. The project topic was Recognize Preconceptions in Movies. We watched three different movies and we talked about the stereotypes, cultural differences and refugees. Mostly we worked in small groups and then we shared our opinions. My favorite film of these was the Aurora although I liked the Lapland Odyssey too but in that was a lot of finns jokes so I didn’t understand. An interesting fact is that Finns stand 5 meter apart to each other at the bus stops.

The schools in Finland are very different from Hungarian’s school. For example the lessons are 75 minutes long and the classrooms are better equipped.  

I had a great time there so I’d go back anytime to the family where I lived. They were kind to me. We went horse riding and I’ve never ridden in the snow so it was a new experience to me. I learned how to bake a Pannukakku which is similar to pancake. I had a eventful week.

Kovács Kata Rebeka:

We arrived there after a full day of travelling, I was exhausted, but my host family was so kind and welcoming, and they even hosted a German girl along me, who was also very nice and open.

The first day we went to the school and had some programs there. The school lunch was delicious, healthy and filling. We watched a movie due to the topic of the program (Recognise preconceptions in movies) in the local cinema. After that, we had an analysis and we talked about the film in groups. In the afternoon we cooked some food with some of the German and Finnish students at my host’s house.

On Tuesday every country demonstrated their culture, and later we went to a campsite where we had a bring-a-dish party. This was my favourite day, because we were able to go ice-bathing in a hole drilled in the lake after sitting in the saunas. It was freezing, but such a memorable experience, every Hungarian student was brave enough to go in.

On Wednesday we went to another town called Jyväskylä, and visited a university (JYU) there. We also watched a movie, had an analysis and then we had some free time in the afternoon. We went home after dinner at an all-you-can-eat sushi restaurant.

On Thursday we watched another film, and listened to some presentations about our topic. In the afternoon our host took us ice skating and sledding which was very fun and memorable as well.

On Friday we spent some time at school and then went ice-fishing on a lake. We had a really nice dinner, it was such a nice ending to our time in Finland.

I’m very grateful that I got to take part in this excursion, I recommend applying to Erasmus projects to everyone!

Seres Léna:

I really enjoyed my time in Finland. I’ve made new friends and I’ve learned a lot about the Finnish culture. The programmes were interesting and useful. We watched three movies which helped us to get to know the Finnish stereotypes better.  

I really like Finnish people because they are kind and friendly.  The school of Aanekoski was extremely modern and well organized compared to the  Hungarian schools. One of the best things in the school was the piano in the middle of the hall.  It brought a cosy vibe to the school. Every classroom had a digital table which made the teaching easier and more understandable. Students were nice and helpful, and they were interested in other cultures. The food was way much better than here in Hungary. 

I am happy that we had outside activities because personally I really like the snow, so we had the opportunity to enjoy it.  

I am very proud of myself because I tried ice swimming twice. I was a bit afraid of the cold water but when I once went in, I just couldn’t help myself to go for another round. We had a lot of saunas too; I think this is pretty obvious because almost every Finnish people have their own sauna.  

One day we went to Jyväskylä which is bigger than Aanekoski. I was happy that we had 3 hours to do what ever we wanted to do and discover the city. My favourite part was the dinner when we went to a sushi bar and could eat as much as wanted.  

Overall, I loved the trip, the people, the country and everything.  

Lipka Emese:

This Erasmus was a really great experience. I always wanted to travel somewhere, and the topic seemed interesting to me, so I’m really glad I went. We watched great films and then talked about them. It was nice watching a movie and talking about it in detail, understanding layers and watching from another perspective.  

Me and my friend ended up with the same host, so it was great not being alone. Although the host and the family were really sweet. I felt welcomed. 

In the program, everyone was nice. I don’t feel like I made many lifelong friendships with the germans or finns but more like with the hungarians I was travelling with.  

It was good getting to know other cultures, getting a taste from them.  

I loved the programs where we went somewhere. In Jyvaskyla, we saw the universtity. I found it very interesting, the buildings were beautiful and the history was fascinating. The sauna was amazing. That was my favorite. I loved being in the sauna and then running out throug the snow, barefeet, to get in a hole in a frozen lake, then running back to get warm. And then repeat. It was such a good experience, but when I first heard about it I didn’t think I would do it.  

The icefishing was also great although I don’t think anyone caught fish. The thing I enjojed most about it was the landscape. On the lake, it was so beautiful. Wherever I looked, there we forests and snow. The snow was also one of the reasons I was excited to be in Finland. We don’t have much in Hungary lately, so it was great seeing some.  

The finnish school was kind of a shock for me. I knew that it is different, and their sistem is also different but I did not expect it to be this much. Everything was clean, they had a piano in the lobby and if someone was playing you could hear it in the whole school. The school lunch was great. There were salads, breads, hot food and you could get as much as you wanted to. I wish we had schools like that in Hungary. 

Kétyi Luca:

I enjoyed Erasmus in Finland. It was the first Erasmus I participated in, and it made me want to do more Erasmus programs. The topic was also very close to my heart, and preconceptions in movies are very useful for our generation. 

Living with a Finnish family was a great experience because I could see how a typical Finnish family lives and get to know their relatives and friends. I was happy to participate in the programmes, and we could try ice fishing, sauna, and ice swimming. 

We were in the same group as Germans and Finns at the film screenings to compare notes. The language and culture presentations helped us to get to know German and Finnish cultures better and to teach them something new. 

We got to know the Finnish high school and visited the University of Jyväskylä. Listening to the students’ presentations about the university was very interesting.  

I made a lot of new friendships with Finnish, German and Hungarian students and teachers, and we also became closer.  

It was a huge adventure for me. I plan to use these intercultural and communicational experiences in my further learning and develop myself intensively to become more confident and self-conscious. 

Pike Charles Robert: 

I was one of the 10 students who participated in this wonderful and awesome project. From the workshops to the ice bathing everything was great and over all a great experience. 

The first day was the most stressful and most exiting day of the week, because we had to meet and get to know our new host families. We started the workshops the next day which were interesting but it was only the introduction to the topic. The overall day was amazing, not a lot happened but what really amazed me was that the life quality and the life style is nothing like how people live in central Europe. The sun only came up at 9AM and the days where really short. There was snow everywhere you looked and it was just a total different experience for me. We lived next to Anekoski in Sualahti, and it was a small town, so the atmosphere and the entire vibe of the neighborhood was magical. The second day was the sauna day and ice bathing which I absolutely loved. We watched 3 films: Compartment No. 6 which was my favorite and two other films Aurora and Laplan Odyysey. After every movie we reviewed it and talked about stereotypical preconceptions. We had ice fishing on Friday which didn’t go to well and visited Jyvaskyla on Wednesday.  

The best part of the project was to get to know new people and building a better connection with my schoolmates although I had never spoke with them before. I had amazing time with my friend from school and my host. I really enjoyed learning about the finish culture. Overall I recommend Erasmus projects to students, I have already been in two project and loved them. 



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