

2020. november 13.

eTwinning – a new success story

Kiss the Frog was so successful that Purple Group was awarded the Hungarian nation eTw certification and therefore entitled to participate in the national competition in October, 2020. But wait, it gets even better. Not only did they participate, but they placed second in the high school category over all!

2020. október 2.

Újabb eTwinning siker

Újabb siker az eTwinningben. A Kiss the Frog c. projektünk elnyerte a Minősített eTwinning projekt címet.

2020. június 13.

Book it 20! an Amazing e-Twinning project

The Purple group from the Language year participated in an extremely exciting and fruitful eTw project called Book it 20. It was a project started by an Icelandic teacher to get students to read literature and discuss it with their peers from around Europe. I must say our students found…

2012. október 24.

eTwinning siker

Gratulálok! Iskolája elnyerte az Európai Minősített eTwinning Projekt címet a "Right Here, Right Now" című projektben végzett kiváló munkáért. Ezzel az Ön, diákjai és iskolája munkája a legmagasabb európai szinten nyert elismerést. eTwinning Team

2011. november 16.

Around the Year in Six Recipes

eTw project on recipes. The first recipe is Goulash, Check out the film by CarpediM students!

2011. június 22.

Vilnius PWD

eTwinning PDW – Vilnius Lithuania June 10 – 12   Report     This was my third eTw event, therefore I knew what I wanted to accomplish and what to expect from the workshop. I have participated in quite a…

2011. május 5.

Conference and Camp

Annual eTwinning Conference and Camp in Budapest   I had the honor of representing Poli at the annual eTwinning conference in Budapest.   In brief it was a worthy event, well organized and full of exciting workshops and presentations. There are 650 people for all over…

2010. november 19.

The Spirit of Saint Nicholas

One of the more interesting eTw projects going on at Poli for the Christmas 2010 season is called the Spirit of Saint Nicholas and it is an attempt to get students from all participating countries to discuss just what Christmas is like in their home, school, town and for them to…

2010. november 19.

PDW Helsinki, My Take on Things

Helsinki Rocks!   I just got back from an all expenses paid 3 day trip to the capital of one of the coolest countries in the world, where they speak a truly wonderful sounding language, Helsinki, Finland!   After watching all those Aki Kauismaki movies I finally made it to…

2010. november 19.


  Poli currently has three eTw projects on going and several others in the works. There are also several teachers who have participated in eTw workshops, both in class and on line ones! Including, but not limited to Szakács Edina, Nádasdi Zsuzsa and Rob Dawson   eTw is definitely worth the time…

Tájékoztatjuk, hogy a megfelelő működés érdekében a honlap sütiket használ. A sütik útján végzett adatkezelésről bővebben itt tájékozódhat: Adatkezelési Szabályzat

A süti beállítások ennél a honlapnál engedélyezett a legjobb felhasználói élmény érdekében. Amennyiben a beállítás változtatása nélkül kerül sor a honlap használatára, vagy az "Elfogadás" gombra történik kattintás, azzal a felhasználó elfogadja a sütik használatát.
