Akkreditált mobilitások 2023-24
Spanish-Hungarian Erasmus+ Project – Part 1
Budapest, 12-16 February 2024
Job shadowing Lettországban – Marokháziné Zoltai Kinga
Madona, Lettország, 2024. február 27-29.
Erfolgreicher Schüleraustausch in Detmold – group mobility
Detmold, Deutschland - 5-9 Februar 2024
Civic education – Politics and social media
My time in Aanekoski, Finland, was the best week so far this year.
The French are coming!!!
How much does it cost? Nothing, in fact, your family will get enough money to help offset the costs! Cool, ain’t it? So the Erasmus+ program funding will cover all the costs of the visiting students.
Recycling and Reusing – Erasmus project
From November 27 to December 4, 2023, a group of 13 students and 2 accompanying teachers from Palermo participated in the Erasmus program in Budapest.
CIVIC EDUCATION – Belga-finn fogadás
The project week with the topic of civic education was organized by the Hungarian team and took place from October 23rd to 27th, 2023, with participants from Belgium and Finland.
My mobility in Copenhagen
I was incredibly lucky to have the opportunity to go to Copenhagen and participate in an Erasmus+ project, which my school provided me.
Poli Erasmus+ Goes Baltics
Well being at school is the topic on hand here at Poli. So, think about the Poli motto,” It’s like a school, only better.” Why do we say that? What makes Poli that way? What do students need to feel good in school? How do our partner schools make their students feel better? Things along this line.
¡Vamos a España! (Erasmus+)
Este año vamos a hacer un intercambio con 11 estudiantes de Alcoy, Valencia.