Anjou projekt – Bytom, Lengyelország
The time spent in Poland was fantastic. We went there by train, which was quite long and tiring, but we still had a great time. Then we went to our host family, who were very welcoming.
Anjou projekt – Metkovic, Horvátország
We had fun in Croatia. Basically we got along well with everybody, we could talk with them without any fear of getting bullied or rejected or being emberassed. We felt free and welcomed.
Spanyolországi mobilitás – Alcoy
A United in diversity projekt keretein belül május elején a spanyol partnerünk megszervezte az utolső projekthetet. Alcoyban került erre sor. Ennek a hétnek a témája az Európai Unióban megvalósuló szabad mozgás volt.
Die große Reise meines Lebens – Deák Máté
Detmold, Deutschland - 24.04. - 23. 05. 2023
DBUD – Erasmus+ interviews
Our 15 minutes of fame thanks to the great folks at Balzac újság. Check out the interviews.
Job shadowing Katalóniában – Kocsis Laura
Salt, IES Espriu, Spanyolország 2023. május 8-11.
Tre mesi in Italia – Baumann Lilla
Morlupo, Italia - 08.02 - 03.05. 2023
Erasmus+ DBUD – Dissemination is Key
Our kids are the future, get them out there. Let them learn from their peers. They will go far. There is hope and this is Erasmus+ in a nutshell.
3 months in Barcelona – Bognár Helka
Fundació Escoles Garbí, Barcelona, Spain - 7 February - 6 May, 2023
Scopri Budapest e Poli – ricevere un partner italiano
Budapest, 24-28. 04. 2023