Stop Bullying
Stopped Bullies in their Tracks, Erasmus+ Project in Zagreb, Croatia
Great to be back on the road with students. Great to work with 3 new partners. Great to work in such a great Poli team, seriously good team! Great to work with such a pro project leader, cannot wait to work with him again!
Stop Bullying, Zagreb Croatia, Participant Reports
Poli students participated in an exceptional Erasmus+ Youth Exchange in Zagreb, Croatia from July 1-19. Check out the participants reports on it!
Stop Bullying – ifjúsági csere Zágrábban – 2020
Stop Bullying - ifjúsági csere Zágrábban - 2020 iskolai erőszak, online zaklatás, mentális egészség, az etnikai és vallási kisebbségekkel és a menekültekkel kapcsolatos előítéletek és diszkrimináció - horvát, bolgár és észak-makedón partnerek
Stop Bullying, an Erasmus+ Youth Exchange!!!
Join us in an uber cool Erasmus+ youth exchange in Zagreb in July!