A keresés eredménye
Student Exchange Project
Student Exchange Comenius Project (nemzetközi diák csereprogram)
Well-being – An awesome Erasmus in Budapest – lett-német fogadás
This Erasmus project was my first one, and it was my first-time hosting someone. The topics of our project was well-being in school, which I think is a crucial part of going to school. We had many discussions about what we all thought the topics entailed. We had tons…
Budapest and the Chocolate Factory
What happens when you work on a project for years, a pandemic postpones the meetings? Well, keep reading this and you will see what our students thought of the finally hosting their short term exchange of students at the end of our project....
Estonia (no.5)
Almost a year ago I applied for a project about the refugees. First the competition wasn’t succesful, and we couldn’t travel to Estonia. But later we get the competition and we could travel. We flew to Estonia, and traveled with bust to the housing. The house was a big and…
The Last few weeks
We are now selecting the songs and and İ’ve already found the members for the band fortunately. Our music teacher will play the flute, and İ also found a drummer and a guitar player. Laura and Yağmur (a girl who came to Hungary 2 years ago with Comenius, by the way…) will sing. There is also a guy from the 10th grade who can rap, so we consider that as well
The busiest week ever
Tomorrow we reach a big milestone as the half of our trip went by. I’m really excited about our tour to Ankara starts with Sunday, it’s going to be fun! I love it here, that there’s always something to wait for. And of course I’ll keep you posted! As usual, here’s this week’s useful phrase which I learnt: Ben açım. (I’m hungry.)
Write a Film Review and More
Home work for the break! There are many, many ways to improve your English. Watching movies is a great way. Pick a film, any English language film you like! It must be in English originally. 1) Watch the…