
Horvátországi diákcsere

Az Európai Uniót központi témaként feldolgozó Erasmus+ projektünk, a “United in diversity” negyedik projekttalálkozójára került sor a horvátországi Metkovic városkában. A vendéglátók és a Poli diákjai mellett portugál, spanyol, olasz és lett iskolák diákjai találkoztak decemberben. 
A partnertalálkozó témája ezúttal az EU-n belüli szabad mozgás volt, ezért több olyan előadáson vettünk részt, amely erről szólt. Jártunk Bosznia és Hercegovinán belül Mostarban, illetve meglátogattuk Dubrovnikot és átkompoztunk Korcula szigetére. Az Adria partja, szigetei még télen is gyönyörűek. Horvát partnereink mindent megtettek annak érdekében, hogy a heti foglalkozásokon jól érezzük magunkat, ezért nagy köszönet jár nekik. 
A polis diákok ismét bizonyították, hogy magabiztosan tudnak prezentálni és nem okoz nekik gondot, ha aktívnak és kommunikatívnak kell lenniük.  Az alábbiakban olvashatók a saját beszámolóik. 
Pintér Zsolt, projektvezető 

Erasmus travelling – narrative 
This was the first Erasmus travelling of my life. It was unforgettable, I really appreciated it. On the first day we arrived to Metkovic and I got to know lots of people. The sightseeing was beautiful, I loved the fact that green vegetation was everywhere. The weather was pleasant on the beach, even though it was winter. With our accompanying teachers it was rather familiar than a teacher-student relationship. 
Ont he second day we visited Bosnia is Mostar and Pocitelj. I liked the contrast beteen the modern world and the ruins due to the south-Slavic war. 
My host was really kind. I am very fortunate because I could live alone in a 4-bedroom room. And I was lucky to eat restaurant food at him. During the programs we always ate tasty, multi-course meals. I was really content about that. 
On the next day we went to Dubrovnik. This was my favourite place because of the architecture. I loved doing the project of this Erasmus. 
One of the most beautiful memories from this week was shipping to an island called Korcula. We travelled by ferry. 
On the last day we were boating on a river and we had a closing party. It was a nice way of saying goodbye to each other and the places. But I still do text with some of my friends who live abroad. 
Horváth Botond (Kozmosz) 
When I was selected for this Erasmus, I was very happy, because it is not often possible to live with a completely foreign family for a week, where you cannot actually communicate other than English. I didn’t have any difficulties with that, the only thing was that my host barely knew English. However, it made it a bit more difficult for me, but it made the trip even more interesting. For example, it allowed me to get to know his family very well, with whom we could talk perfectly, even for hours. Speaking of family, let me mention that I ended up with a really loving family who ate everything to make sure I had the best week with them. They always prepared a big breakfast, cooked for dinner, listened to me in case I needed anything. I would also like to write a little about the programs, as there were quite a few that would be worth reporting. At this erasmus the “icebreaker” games were cancelled, which had quite a big impact on the remaining days, since we did not have the opportunity to get to know the others at the beginning, so everyone was only with their own country. This was already established by the end, but by then it was too late. On the first day after arrival, we were introduced to our countries, schools from which we came and were shown around the small town. We recently visited 3 other places (Bosnia, Herzegovina, Dubrovnik, and Korcula). We went boating, visited museums, listened to lectures, and went to the pub every night to play billiards, play darts and talk. Unfortunately the weather was not favorable for us, because it was mostly rain or grey skies, but luckily when we visited the island, the sun was shining. Lunch was always somewhere else, usually in some kind of restaurant. They paid attention to everyone, for example, I’m a vegetarian, so I always got something special for me. We had the opportunity to watch the semi-finals of the football World Cup (where the Croats played) with them and cheer, which not many people can say for sure. We could learn a lot about Croatia’s culture, taste Metkovic’s traditional drink and eat a lot of burek, for sure. On the evening of the last day, there was the farewell party, where we received our diplomas, sang, danced, ate and said goodbye to each other. In the end, friendships were formed from several countries and it was difficult to leave them, but hopefully I will have the opportunity to meet them again. Overall, I think I was able to participate in a good Erasmus and gain a lot of experience, my English has improved a lot, and of course I have also built relationships, which can be a great advantage in the future. 
Dénes Bora (LamanTeam) 
Croatia report 
Hi, I’m Manka Szigeti, I’m 16 years old and I’m going to share with you the adventures of my first Erasmus trip. 
For me, this trip to Croatia was a very special experience because, as I said, I had never had the opportunity to participate in any Erasmus programme. I’ve been to Croatia before, but it’s not the same with my family as now, when I had to live alone for a week with strangers at the time. 
Overall, I found it very inspiring, partly to further improve my English and partly to continue to apply for many travel, “hosting” and other similar programs. I think this can be a very good opportunity for everyone, as such a path can open up the world to you. Getting to know other cultures and customs, getting to know new people and places, not only looking at it from the outside, but also being in the inner circles, learning and even making lifelong friends… 
I think that’s what Erasmus programmes are all about, and yet I got it all from this trip. Sure, of course, nothing can be perfect. Obviously, we have also run into smaller, bigger problems; The Latvians put their luggage on the wrong plane, there was no “ice breaking activiti”, the Spanish students were extremely unsympathetic, even the rain fell once or twice, and although there were times when I thought during the trip “it will not come out of this”, somehow in hindsight all these things are more of a funny and very good memory. 
What I thought was the worst thing before my trip became the best thing by the end of the trip. I was one of the few female students who got a boys’ inn. It’s not a common occurrence, but it can happen and that’s what I fell for the first time. Needless to say, I was very nervous about what would come of this, especially since my English is not so strong, but by the end of the week the boy had become a very close friend of mine. Since then, I have been talking to him and other people I have had the pleasure of getting to know here. 
I am grateful to Erasmus and my teachers for this opportunity, because thanks to them I was able to have the adventure of a lifetime. 
Szigeti Manka (LamanTeam) 
Croatian Erasmus+ 
We left for Croatia on the second Sunday of December in a microbus driven by Zsolt. The snow fell in the first half of the journey, and then when we emerged from a long tunnel, spring weather greeted us. In addition to the palm trees and the sea view, I was excited to meet my landlord. Luckily, my Host and his family were very friendly and kind, I had a really good time with them.  
The day after our trip, we presented the presentation with a bit of lamp fever, but successfully. At the beginning of the week, getting to know the other groups started off a bit bumpy, but by the end we were making friends with a lot of new people from other countries. We visited a lot of very nice places, Dubrovnik and Korčula. 
We were in Mostar, which is in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It was very interesting how poor and difficult life there was as a result of the Yugoslav war several 10 years ago. Metkovic, where the host school was located, is a very tiny little town not far from the sea. The school has about 1000 students, from the first grade to the end of the grammar school or vocational secondary school. 
 At the end of the week we had a very good farewell party, where we sang together with the other bands. I was very sorry that the week was over and I had to head home.    
I am very happy to have been able to participate in this Erasmus+ project, it was an experience of a lifetime. I hope to take part in other Erasmus trips and projects in the future. 
Kovács Bálint (LamanTeam) 
Our trip to Croatia was very special. I really enjoyed the trip there as we went in a minivan and during the trip we had time to get to know each other better with my teammates. Croatian students were already waiting for us in Metkovic and welcomed us, everyone introduced themselves live and we headed to our temporary home. Most of us didn’t live in the city where the school was, but they still managed our transportation very well and we spent a lot of time together even in our free time.  
On the first day we were just getting to know each other and touring the city. Later, in our free time, students took us skating around. On the second day we left Metkovic and went to Mostar. On the way there, we stopped at a place where we walked up to a castle from where the view was very nice. From there we immediately went to Mostar where we walked and saw its iconic bridge. The next day was one of my favorites, we went to Dubrovnik that day. Unfortunately, it rained all day, but that didn’t stop us from going around the whole city. First we walk with a tour guide who told us about the city and then we were released. My host very kindly gave me his umbrella so I could see the city, which ended up completely soaked, but it was worth it. The next day we left again and this time we went to Korcula. Even the way there was very nice with so many mountains, but the island was even more special. The weather was very good that day. Here they did not show us around, but let us explore the island. On the very day we were outside, we could taste typical Croatian cuisine in one of the squares. Of course, we tried them all. After that, we had a lecture, followed by lunch, and unfortunately after that we headed home. On my last day, we didn’t go anywhere, we stayed at school. We split into teams and everyone created a poster that they put up on the school wall. The evening was the highlight of the day when there was karaoke after graduation. There were numbers in English and in the languages of all participating countries.  
I really enjoyed the whole program and made a lot of new friends, not only the Croatians, but also my own teammates much better. I made new friends and got to know other cultures.  I am very happy to have been part of all this. 
Magyarósi Réka (VisSza)

Tájékoztatjuk, hogy a megfelelő működés érdekében a honlap sütiket használ. A sütik útján végzett adatkezelésről bővebben itt tájékozódhat: Adatkezelési Szabályzat

A süti beállítások ennél a honlapnál engedélyezett a legjobb felhasználói élmény érdekében. Amennyiben a beállítás változtatása nélkül kerül sor a honlap használatára, vagy az "Elfogadás" gombra történik kattintás, azzal a felhasználó elfogadja a sütik használatát.
