On Wednesday and Thursday we went to the music studio finally!
This week was way faster than the others before. In school we had a bunch of free periods, because a lot of teachers were missing. It was kind of boring, but at least we could chat with guys and made some new friendship.
On Wednesday and Thursday we went to the music studio finally! It is not that big, but it is perfect for me to practice a bit and maybe later on I will have the chance to jam with some Turkish musician nearby.
Today (Sunday) I met Bekray’s aunt..It’s a shame but I forgot her name…I have some troubles with the names anyway…too much foreign, strange names for every day. It’s definitely not for me. She was so kind and friendly, we had diner together, here at Berkay’s place. The food was something similar that turoscsusza, but they do it with walnut. It was gorgeous.
After all these, Selçuk (Barkeys father) gave Berkay some driving lesson. It funny but a bit scary though…His driving is, well…not perfect yet.
Now I guess better get going. Tomorrow is school day and we’ll probably go to Sinop with Aslı (our mentor) to check our passports by the police. Cheers.
Sárdi Ádám, (HaRibó)
1 hozzászólás:
Rob Dawson
2013. október 1. 09:04
hopefully we will hear you playing with your Turkish friends soon!