The most wonderful time of the year
The most wonderful time of the year
Yes, Christmas-aholics, the time you’ve all been waiting for is here, December has arrived! I admit that I’m a special case, because for me the holiday season starts in October, but when it comes to December, I completely lose my mind. I just turn the Christmas playlists to infinity mode and let the feeling take over the control. I even have my own advent calendar, as my family sent me one by mail.
Beside that, the week wasn’t a big deal. It started slower than Explorer startup. I checked, like six times, if it was still Monday. And it was. Every single time. And when I checked for the last time, I realized that it’s Friday. After that beginning, it was a surprise that all the other days just passed by as if they weren’t even there. We finally finished our folk dances, which are-to be exact-, three short Turkish dances, and one Hungarian. I thought it will be so much easier to them to teach the Hungarian one. Even though it took time, they know it now almost perfectly, so I guess it was worth it.
And we also finished editing our project film. And it’s fine, just not fine enough for me. But I have to face it, that sometimes I don’t have the chance to do something perfectly, but what I can do, that at least I do my best. So that’s what I did, and I’m not saying that the outcome is terrible, just there are some mistakes that I couldn’t fix due to the conditions.
However the weekend was fine, I had grilled sausages and strawberry jam for breakfast, which is the World’s 8th wonder! And it pretty much made my weekend. It turned me to studying mode, which was really needed, as I had quite much homework assignment to send home, and I’m proud to say that I’m almost done all of them.
As I’m preparing myself to go home, I often find myself philosophizing about the aim of this journey. I guess, because that’s what people do. We always want to know that what we’re doing makes sense; it has a lesson to draw. And I found the accomplishment in how I acted in situations. I realized that most of the time I forced myself to think positively, even if it was totally absurd to do. For example when I had a meal I didn’t really like, or it was more healthy than delicious, then I thought ‘I’m so glad, that I will be skinny’. And I did things, that I know I wouldn’t do at home (like tasting meals I thought I don’t like), but at the end it didn’t always turn out bad. So I guess it was worth it. And I was philosophizing about much more things also, I just forgot them quickly.
Anyway I don’t want to draw any conclusions yet, because what would I write about in the last updates then, but I think I’m ready for a new journey. But this time, the journey will lead to my new-old life.