Csörögi tanoda + Polis + Italian Volunteers
As part of the Erasmus+ project on volunteering our hard working youth spent the day on Sunday working with Gypsy kids from the village of Csörög.
The day consisted of brainstorming what kind of games and activities would be good for a mixed agred group of kids. I must say that our volunteers had plenty of ideas. In fact, there were so many we had to vote on the best 5. It took a while as many were adament about their particular favorites and we needed several rounds of elimination votes to get to the final five. The crazy thing is, that we only ended up doing two of these. One was just the good old fashioned musical chairs while the other was that the Italians taught our guests various hand gestures and a few words. Do not worry, only those fit for kids were taught. These two very simple ideas were so popular that we never even tried to play the games. Proof perfect that the old addage K.I.S.S. – Keep It Simple, Stupid – is as accurate today as ever.
However, before we could even start with the games we had some major kitchen work to carry out. In other words, the amazing Baloo preapred 3 kg of gingerbread dough the previous evening and we set to rolling, cutting, baking all kinds of gingerbread cookies with our guests. Once the cookies had cooled and lunch had been eaten it was time to decorate the cookies with
good old fashioned icing. Wow, were the kids ever happy. They went straight to work decorting. Even the odler Italian volunteer kids, like 17-18 years old had a blast doing it! Again, K.I.S.S. !!!
Towards the end there was even a spontenous dance session. Everybody was teaching everybody their own dances. Pretty darn good stuff!
A special thanks to Lukács Laura for her help with the Csörögi kids and extra special to Kalina Yvette for her hard work with the kids over the years and for organizing their trip here.
But most special thanks of all to the Csörögi kids and the volunteers who all went above and beyond the call of duty to make the day special for all.