Erasmus+Youth Exchange Dissemination October, 2017
Dissemnation Proclomation
1 School
4 Youth Exchange Projects
4 Leaders
26 youth
200 youth reached
Leader’s Log, Budapest, October 24, 2017
Leaders of four different Erasmus Youth Exchange projects carried out by Közgazdasági Politechnikum between July and end October, 2017 held dissemination events. 26 youth who travelled to these Youth Exchanges carried out warmers, interviews, fielded questions, presented their views on the signifigance of these projects.
A total of 200 current students at Poli were present at these events held in two locations in the school. Students showed great interest in the projects. When it rains, it pours. The questions started snowballing. They wanted to know where we travelled, where other partners were from. How long a project lasts, how to travel to them, etc. Most importantly, they want to know when the next project will take place and how they can apply for them.
There was also interest in project writing workshops to be held for youth interested in developing their own projects as non-formal education groups.
Projects discussed are “Off-line for 10 Days” and “Screenagers” (Gáti Emese, Youth Leader), “Volunteers of Today”(Kelemen Hajna Youth Leader) and “Don’t Be Afraid to Be Different” (Rob Dawson Youth Leader).
On behalf of Emese and Hajna, Rob