
The French are coming!!!

Host a French Student

Carrying on with our great Erasmus+ tradition of hosting students at Poli on individual mobilities we are in search of three hosts for three French high school students. They will be here for two weeks.

They are coming at two different times, what a way to spice things up, right?

So, the first two will be here in late February, just after the Poli ski trip!

The other two will come in late May. Yes, two are coming, but we only need a host for one of them for various reasons.

How much does it cost?

Nothing, in fact, your family will get enough money to help offset the costs! Cool, ain’t it? So the Erasmus+ program funding will cover all the costs of the visiting students.

What would you have to do?

Well, give the guest a bed, preferably in their own room. Give them a good breakfast and dinner every day. Lunch, well, you can either provide a lunch or buy them one at the school cafeteria. You will be the host sibling, so, take your new sibling to school with you, and home. Show them the town, hang out. You know, be a brother or sister, etc. etc. etc.

Why should you be a host?

Well, you will learn tons about the culture of one of your European peers, your English communication skills should improve (yes, the French students do speak English) and if you happen to be learning the mother language of your guest, well, there you go, lots of time to practice! Let’s not forget the lifelong friendship that you will forge. So, you will have a friend you can visit in the future. Not to mention you would be helping a young European who wants to come to Hungary and get to know the culture, the language, Poli, Pest, etc. Win-win for everybody.

Who can apply?

Anybody between grades 9ny and 11.

Ready for the experience of your life? It’s pretty easy, talk to your parents, fill out this application form by 9 am, January 8. Contact Rob Dawson if you have any questions (on Teams or using robi@poli.hu).

We will hold an info session on January 8 for students during the first lunch break and in the evening for any parents that want to, the parent one will be online, no need for them to come all the way to Poli.

How are the host families going to be picked?

The Erasmus team will decide on which families will have the joy and honor of hosting based on your answers in the application form. We will also talk to your homeroom teachers. Once the families have been picked, we will make the guest students’ profiles available so the chosen families can decide who they would like to host.

Please fill out this form

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