Ificsereprogram az észt Kaarikuban
Don’t be Afraid of Being different!
an Erasmus+ Youth Exchange in Kaariku, Estonia.
The topic is Subculture!
Do you belong to a subculture? Do you want to travel with us to Estonia in October to meet Dutch and Estonian youth and talk about which subculture you belong to? Do you want to give a presentation, in English, on your subculture? Are you in one of the following years (as of September, 1): 9ny, 9, 10, or 11? Do you speak English at a B1 level?
Here is a link to the description provided by the 17 year olds who designed the project! It it is actually pretty awesome that they came up with, applied for, and won the grant on their own!
So, if you are still interested, apply here by midnight, July 19, 2017.
FYI, this is where we will be staying, so, in a hotel, not with local families.
Hope to see lots of you applying, and the best 8 will be chosen!*
*There is an APV in September, one student has to join me on that.