Stop Bullying, an Erasmus+ Youth Exchange!!!
We have all been bullied, we all know bullying is a problem. However, there are solutions, ways to work on stopping bullying. Join us in Zagreb, Croatia and find out with us how to do it!
We will cover school bullying, on-line bullying, mental health of youth, as well as the situation regarding discrimination and prejudices of ethnic and religious minorities in partner countries.
So, you have the chance to come to a cool city with great food, great people and you get to learn cool stuff to boot!!!
What makes it all even better is you get to work with your peers from Croatia, Bulgaria, North Macedonia!!! How cool is that? Way, cool!
July 23 – August 1 – if all goes well. Of course, if this Covid19 stuff keeps borders closed, then
August 20 – 29.
10 Poli students from nulladik up. Preferably students who have not been in a youth exchange yet…. and the leaders will be Rob and Hajna.
Now, that you are really interested, read this for more details.
To apply, fill this out by June 28 and we will have the team picked by July 1.
And this is what we have to do, I mean the workshops we will run
Day 2 Session 2
11:30 – 13:00 |
Violence among young people in partner countries |
Energiser. This workshop will be implemented by Hungarian participants. Young people will prepare short presentation of the level of violence among young people and some famous cases. Every group will have 10 minutes to present. Then they will work in mixed groups and discuss similarities and differences between countries and what they think are the reasons for this. Every group will present its findings and obtain feedback. |
17:00 – 18:30 |
Refugees |
Energiser. This workshop will be prepared by the Hungarian participants. Participants will work in groups and will create imaginary characters of refugees. Their task is to create their life story. Where do they come from? Why did they come to Europe? How did they come here? How are they treated here? Do they like it here in Europe? Do they want to go back home or stay here? And similar. Every group will share their character’s life story and in debriefing we will try to find commonalities between the characters. Participants will discuss if their countries should do more to help refugees. |
9:30 – 11:00 |
Religious minorities |
Energiser. This workshop will be prepared by the Hungarian participants. Participants will work in groups. They will analyse general statements like “love is an essential teaching in our life stance”, “we are expected to pray several times a day” and similar statements. There will be around 30 statements and the participants will have to analyse if different religions and people of no religion have similar traits. The goal of this workshop is to highlight that religions have much more in common than things that separate them. |
9:30 – 11:00 |
Bullying |
Energiser. This workshop will be implemented by Hungarian participants. Participants will work in groups of 7-8. They will talk about the following issues: How common is bullying in partner countries how do you recognise a bully when does seating turn into bullying what are the consequences of bullying on the victim why do young people become bullies how do you respond when you see someone being bullied Share personal experience Every group will present its findings and obtain feedback. |